Representative Jarrod Lowery (Rep)
Introduced Bills
Bill | BillSort1 | BillSort2 | Short Title | Action Type | Action Date | Action Description | Primary Sponsor | First Primary |
HB 11 | H | 11 | No Tax on Tips, Overtime, Bonus Pay. | House | 03/11/2025 | Re-ref Com On Finance | No | No |
HB 14 | H | 14 | Gambling Losses Tax Deduction. | House | 03/04/2025 | Re-ref Com On Finance | No | No |
HR 18 | H | 18 | Honor Joe John, Former Member. | House | 01/29/2025 | Adopted | No | No |
HB 21 | H | 21 | Drivers License Designation/Autism. | House | 03/17/2025 | Placed On Cal For 03/18/2025 | No | No |
HB 28 | H | 28 | Gun Violence Prevention Act. | House | 03/17/2025 | Placed On Cal For 03/18/2025 | No | No |
HB 29 | H | 29 | Use Tribal ID for Alcohol & Tobacco Purchase. | House | 03/04/2025 | Re-ref Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 31 | H | 31 | Make Election Day A State Holiday. | House | 02/24/2025 | Re-ref to the Com on Election Law, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 34 | H | 34 | Establish Larceny of Mail Offense. | Senate | 03/05/2025 | Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate | No | No |
HB 35 | H | 35 | Establish Military Appreciation Month. | House | 03/17/2025 | Placed On Cal For 03/18/2025 | No | No |
HB 36 | H | 36 | Maintenance of State Veterans Cemeteries. | House | 02/04/2025 | Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 37 (= SB 86) | H | 37 | Enhance Firefighter Benefits & Representation. | House | 03/17/2025 | Placed On Cal For 03/18/2025 | No | No |
HB 39 | H | 39 | Disabled Veteran Motor Vehicle Tax Exclusion. | House | 02/05/2025 | Ref to the Com on Finance, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 62 | H | 62 | Farmers Protection Act. | House | 03/17/2025 | Re-ref to the Com on Commerce and Economic Development, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 69 | H | 69 | Military and Veterans Educational Promise Act. | House | 03/11/2025 | Re-ref Com On Higher Education | No | No |
HB 79 | H | 79 | North Carolina Work and Save. | House | 03/06/2025 | Re-ref to the Com on Insurance, if favorable, Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | Yes | Yes |
HB 87 | H | 87 | Cell Phone-Free Education. | House | 02/25/2025 | Re-ref Com On Judiciary 3 | No | No |
HB 90 | H | 90 | State & Local Gov't Retirees COLA. | House | 02/11/2025 | Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 92 | H | 92 | NC Digital Assets Investments Act. | House | 03/05/2025 | Re-ref to the Com on Pensions and Retirement, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 93 | H | 93 | Constitutional Amendment/Repeal Literacy Test. | House | 02/12/2025 | Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | Yes | No |
HB 97 (= SB 97) | H | 97 | Support Firefighters Fighting Cancer. | House | 02/17/2025 | Re-ref to the Com on Pensions and Retirement, if favorable, Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 103 | H | 103 | NC Am. Indian Hunting/Fishing Rights. | House | 03/04/2025 | Re-ref Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | Yes | No |
HB 106 | H | 106 | Revive High-Need Retired Teachers Program. | House | 02/13/2025 | Ref to the Com on Education - K-12, if favorable, Pensions and Retirement, if favorable, Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 112 | H | 112 | Increase Permissible Interstate Speed Limit. | House | 02/13/2025 | Ref to the Com on Transportation, if favorable, State and Local Government, if favorable, Judiciary 1, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | Yes | Yes |
HB 118 (= SB 228) | H | 118 | Disabled Veterans Tax Relief Bill. | House | 02/17/2025 | Ref to the Com on Homeland Security and Military and Veterans Affairs, if favorable, Finance, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 130 | H | 130 | Agriculture Crops Disaster Relief. | House | 02/26/2025 | Re-ref Com On Appropriations | No | No |
HB 133 | H | 133 | NC Farmland and Military Protection Act. | House | 02/18/2025 | Ref to the Com on Homeland Security and Military and Veterans Affairs, if favorable, Commerce and Economic Development, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 135 | H | 135 | Misbranding/Cell-Cultured Meat/Env. Assess. | House | 02/18/2025 | Ref to the Com on Finance, if favorable, Health, if favorable, Commerce and Economic Development, if favorable, Agriculture and Environment, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | Yes | No |
HB 140 | H | 140 | Authorize Gullah Geechee Heritage Trail. | House | 02/18/2025 | Ref to the Com on State and Local Government, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 141 | H | 141 | The Joe John Remembrance Act. | House | 02/18/2025 | Ref to the Com on Finance, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 144 | H | 144 | Elect SBE/Superintendent as SBE Chair. | House | 02/18/2025 | Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 145 | H | 145 | Funds for Diabetes Research Institute/UNC-CH. | House | 02/21/2025 | Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | Yes | Yes |
HB 146 | H | 146 | Remote License Renewal/Active Duty Military. | House | 02/21/2025 | Ref to the Com on Transportation, if favorable, Homeland Security and Military and Veterans Affairs, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | Yes | No |
HB 163 | H | 163 | Pharmacy Benefits Manager Provisions. | House | 02/24/2025 | Ref to the Com on Health, if favorable, Regulatory Reform, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | Yes | No |
HB 171 | H | 171 | Equality in State Agencies/Prohibition on DEI. | House | 02/24/2025 | Ref to the Com on Judiciary 1, if favorable, State and Local Government, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | Yes | No |
HB 186 (= SB 312) | H | 186 | The Stars and Stripes Commitment Act. | House | 03/17/2025 | Placed On Cal For 03/19/2025 | No | No |
HB 192 | H | 192 | Raise Teacher Pay & Dollar Allot. Study. | House | 02/26/2025 | Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 217 | H | 217 | Driver Educ./18 Yrs & Older & Unlicensed. | House | 02/27/2025 | Ref to the Com on Transportation, if favorable, Finance, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | Yes | Yes |
HB 222 | H | 222 | C.O.O.P.E.R. Accountability Act. | House | 03/04/2025 | Re-ref Com On Appropriations | Yes | No |
HB 224 | H | 224 | Strengthen Our Tribal Communities Act. | House | 03/04/2025 | Re-ref Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | Yes | Yes |
HB 227 | H | 227 | U.S. & N.C. Flags/Made In USA. | House | 02/27/2025 | Ref to the Com on State and Local Government, if favorable, Commerce and Economic Development, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 251 | H | 251 | Disaster Response Funding/Nondiscrimination. | House | 03/03/2025 | Ref to the Com on Judiciary 1, if favorable, Emergency Management and Disaster Recovery, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 254 | H | 254 | Adopt Tuskegee Airmen Day. | House | 03/03/2025 | Ref to the Com on Homeland Security and Military and Veterans Affairs, if favorable, State and Local Government, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 268 | H | 268 | 2025 UNC Self-Liquidating Capital Projects. | House | 03/05/2025 | Ref to the Com on Higher Education, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 276 (= SB 226) | H | 276 | Align Benefits for Firefighters with Cancer. | House | 03/12/2025 | Re-ref Com On Appropriations | No | No |
HB 280 | H | 280 | Support for the Senior Tar Heel Legislature. | House | 03/05/2025 | Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 296 | H | 296 | Corn Farmer Recovery Act - Phase I. | House | 03/06/2025 | Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 299 | H | 299 | Increase Disabled Veteran Prop Tax Benefit. | House | 03/06/2025 | Ref to the Com on Homeland Security and Military and Veterans Affairs, if favorable, Finance, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 314 (= SB 113) | H | 314 | Removal of Squatters from Private Property. | House | 03/10/2025 | Ref to the Com on Judiciary 1, if favorable, State and Local Government, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 315 | H | 315 | Gift Card Theft & Unlawful Business Entry. | House | 03/10/2025 | Ref to the Com on Judiciary 2, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 331 | H | 331 | Adopt Official State Rice Festival. | House | 03/10/2025 | Ref to the Com on State and Local Government, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | Yes | No |